
"Shiro Miso" white miso paste - 3 to 6 month maturerd

Ingredients: ?

This miso is mild taste with natural sweetness of Koji.
3 to 6 months matured. 10% saltiness.
Good to use for miso soup with tofu.
Shiro Miso is made from Soy beans, rice and salt and a little bit of alcohol to prevent bad mold.

shelf life:6 months

▶︎ 400g
▶︎ 950g

"Awase Miso", mix miso with white and red miso - No.1 in Miso

Ingredients: ?

This miso is made with Shiro Miso and Aka Miso mixed. 10% saltiness. No.1 popularity! It is good to use any kind of miso soup.
Shiro Miso is made from Soy beans, rice and salt and a little bit of alcohol to prevent bad mold.

shelf life:6 months

▶︎ 400g
▶︎ 950g

"Akamiso", red long matured miso - 18 to 24 month matured

Ingredients: ?

This miso is rich and refreshing taste, and dark color due to long aging for 18 to 24 months. 10.5% saltiness.
Aka Miso is made from Soy beans, rice, barley and salt and a little bit of alcohol to prevent bad mold.

shelf life:6 months

▶︎ 400g
▶︎ 950g